Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Merry Christmas!! Well it's not Christmas.... But MSP decided to do the comp early. Yey!!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Geos are back!!

I can't believe in Geometric skirts are back!! I'm so happy!!

Geos are back!!

I can't believe in Geometric skirts are back!! I'm so happy!!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

New Comp... Looks familiar...

Hmm hmm, seems familiar, is it because Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 came out?? I don't know about you but I HATE Twilight. Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle!! They're supposed to have enormous  fangs with blood dripping from them!! Yeah, that would be the type of movie I'd like to see!!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Rares coming back??

See these 2 artbooks?? Are Rares really coming back?? Let's hope so!!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

5 Sms a Day - Why on earth...??

5 Sms a Day
Heyy ;) I'd like to thank everyone for looking at my blog ;) Now, I have a present for you!! You can earn easy money by watching my shorties ;) I'll post 5 a day so you can watch them everyday, you'll get 50 sc a day!! ;p

Why on earth...??
Some people just keep trying to trick you... why on earth are they wasting their time?? Look, if you want to trick me don't bother, you're just wasting your time, I won't give you my account so you can buy me a VIP, I won't change my pass to Money123 to get 1000000sc etc. YOU'RE JUST WASTING YOUR TIME!! And those of you who get tricked to doing this, WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU BELIEVE THEM??

Monday, 5 November 2012

Heyy ;) I just wanted to show you my new look :) Do you like it?? Just so you know, unlike most people I don't mind you copying my looks, I know I'm so kind ;) Anyway I think it's just silly and immature to report and block people just because they like your look enough to copy it, so if you want some of my looks, buy away ;)

Friday, 2 November 2012

Level 10!!

                                Yippee!! I'm on level 10!! Thank you to everyone who helped!!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

4sc Jacket!!

Did anyone notice the 4sc jacket?? It's 450 sc know MSP noticed... But lucky you if you managed to get it for 4sc ;) I got 7 ;p